You have the power – to shop local!

Support your Portland small businesses today - cat and dog snuggling together

Your support of small businesses matters – and contributes to the change you want to see in our community.   

The Portland metro area is home to nearly 43,000 small businesses or firms with less than 50 employees. These same firms employ 255,294 people with a payroll of approximately $2.1 billion. 

Small businesses are the backbone of job creation - 95% of all firms in the Portland metro area are small businesses that contribute to wealth creation and the economic vitality of our region.  

Small businesses are the lifeline to fostering strong local economies, keeping money close to home and supporting neighborhoods and communities.  

Small businesses are critical to U.S. economic growth. They contribute 65% of all new jobs. Without small businesses, the economy won't grow. 

The U.S. Small Business Association and the U.S. Department of Labor report the positive impacts of small, independent business on local economies. 

  • Local businesses are more likely to utilize other local businesses such as banks, service providers, and farms. 

  • Independent retailers return more than three times as much money per dollar of sales to the community in which they operate compared to chain competitors. Independent restaurants return more than twice as much money per dollar of sales than national restaurant chains. 

  • Small businesses employ 77 million Americans and accounted for 65% of all new jobs over the past 17 years. 

For every $100 you spend at local businesses, $68 will stay in the community - with your neighbors and friends who own small businesses. Your support keeps your favorite local shops flourishing. That’s how you make a difference!  


Resolved: take care of yourself


Starting the year with gratitude